I am thrilled that you have decided to embark in this journey with me! For your convenience, I offer 2 payment plans:
​A reminder of what is included:
8 weeks program with 6 private 60 minutes coaching sessions (Value: $188 each)
Support material online (Value: $430)
1 Feng Shui 60 minutes session (Value: $444)
Total value: $2002.00
And the bonuses:
25% off Clarity Sessions [Unlimited & redeemable through April of 2022]
For the duration of the program, you get private Voxer (message app) access to me Monday - Friday during my business hours (9-5 pm Pacific). I will check Voxer 2-3 times each day and you can expect a response within one business day. I encourage you to use it as much as you need, but kindly ask that you be intentional with voice notes and pointed with questions.​
3 Reframe & Recode Sessions If you’ve hit a minor snag and need a little help, but don’t need a full Clarity Session… these 15 minute sessions are awesome to have in your arsenal. [Redeemable through December of 2021]